Located to the east of Junction 45 of the M1 motorway, Leeds, the Skelton Gate development will comprise of approximately 1,800 dwellings, a local centre, associated community facilities and green infrastructure.
We provided landscape architecture input into Reserved Matters applications for Templegate Developments in collaboration with the multi-disciplinary team. This included a site-wide Landscape Design Code and designs for key open spaces, corridors and character areas.
The site’s landscape character is defined by its semi-rural location and existing habitat network. Green infrastructure provides the development with a defined identity and a strong sense of place.
"PWP Design delivered an extensive and inspiring design guide and sketch design, transcending our own expectations of what was possible with our limited budget. Simon Hall's knowledge, enthusiasm and ever-present support has been a breath of fresh air and we are extremely thankful for his contribution to the project."
Sam Leach (Spark:York CIC)
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